Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bottle 1.

Happy New Beer Day! I suggest you go out and try a new beer today. Why? Why not!?

Today I'm going to attempt to do my first ever beer review! The first time is always a little scary. But I'll do it anyway!

Beer: Tangerine Wheat Ale by Lost Coast Brewery

Beer Style: Fruit Beer(A generic form of flavored beer, some breweries actually use real fruit or veggies, though most use an extract, syrup or processed flavor to give the effect of a particular fruit or vegetable. Usually ales, but with not much ale character to them and commonly unbalanced. Malt flavor is typically hidden with a low hop bitterness to allow the fruit or vegetable to dominate.) - Beer Advocate

ABV(alcohol by volume): 5.0%

Now that we know what we're drinking, LET'S DRINK! But lets use all of our senses. And don't forget that, this is my personal opinion. Everyone has different taste.

Sight: It's gold in color but with some haze and a tad bit amberish. Like when you're drunk and looking at a sunflower, but not a real one. The color is more like drunkenly looking at a Vincent van Gogh sunflower painting...kind of.

Hearing: When I put my ear to the glass, I hear hundreds of popping sounds. As if carbonation is natures bubble wraps. Or something like that?

Taste: A little thin(not watery. I'm just use to very bold flavors, like from an IPA or Stout) I didn't really taste much when it first hit my tongue, but as I swallowed(that's what she said), the flavors started to come out more. Citrus, tangy but with a dry finish. Also, I didn't mind the burp taste. That would be the taste left in your mouth after you burp.

Smell: Straight up tangerines! Well, more like artificial tangerines, but still.

Touch: It was wet and cold.

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