Sunday, June 10, 2012

Save Steve Holt

Drunk Time is Now!

For those of you that don't know yet, the beloved show, Arrested Development will be making it's triumphant return to the little screen next year, before it makes it's debut on the big screen(according to the internet)

Everyones favorite characters will be making a comeback...except for Steve Holt.

What's that you say?

 You love Steve Holt and you can't wait to see him again? If that's what you're thinking, you're dumb and you haven't been reading this post! I just told you he won't be in the new episodeds!

Don't worry kids! The movement to bring back Steve Holt has begun!

By going to this website, you can help the cause.

This isn't the late 80's/early 90's where you can just replace a character and no one will notice!!! We care. We love. We notice the changes!

So, I say to you good people of the internet, Don't let the "man" keep us down! Bring back Steve Holt! You can make it happen! Go to the website for information on how to do it. Do it now! Save the nerd world!

Drunk time is now!

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