Receptionist: Hello
Marty: HI! Is the doctor in?
Receptionist: Doctor....who?
Marty: The 4th one!? No wait! Dr. Moreau!
Receptionist: I'm sorry, Dr. Moreau isn't in right now. He's on vacation.
Marty: Where is he? When will he be back?!?
Receptionist: I'm not really sure when he'll be back. He just said he was going on vacation. He said something about an island. The only doctors that are in right now are, Dr. Brown and Dr. Lecter. Oh no, I'm sorry. It looks like Dr. Lectet is a little tied up right now. Would you like to talk to Dr. Brown?
Marty: Yeah. Sure, that's fine.
Receptionist: Please hold.
20 min later
Dr. Brown: Hello?
Marty: DOC! It's me! Marty!
Dr. Brown: Oh, hello Marty. What can I do for you?
Marty: Doc, I have a question. I think I have tapeworms! I mean....I think my DOG has tapeworms. What should I do? A friend of a friend said that I could kill them off by drinking scotch or rum! Is this true.
Dr. Brown: Marty, maybe you should take your....dog to the hospital. Get him checked out.
Marty: DOC! I'm running out of time!
Dr. Brown: Alright, alright. Calm down. Let me check WebMD, and by WebMD I mean my books....
Well, according to...my books... If you were to drop a tapeworm into a glass of strong alcohol, it WOULD shrivel up and die. Unfortunately, most tapeworms live in the intestines of animals, not in your stomach. By the time the alcohol got to the tapeworms, your body would have already absorbed it into your blood stream. They might get a good buzz, but it won't kill them.
Marty: Oh. Thanks Doc! I guess I'll be making an appointment when I sober up. I'll make an appointment for my dog, I mean!
Then Marty passed out and fell on his dog. His dogs name was Lucky.